Fat dissolving injection

You are probably familiar with the problem that you cannot get rid of certain areas of subcutaneous fat neither by diet nor by sport.

Injection lipolysis involves the use of injections administered into the desired areas which then dissolve the fat deposits. It provides us with a method of effectively reducing without resorting to surgical intervention

The applied active ingredient phosphatidylcholine (Lipostabil) is a natural substance obtained from soya beans, which has been used in medicine for many years to treat dysfunctions in fat metabolising as well as fat embolism.

Lipostabil is injected directly into the fat tissue with the help of finest cannulaes. As a result of this, specific fat cells are reduced on long-term basis and are removed from the body in a natural way. There is a visible reduction in the size of the area that has undergone treatment. Usually 2-4 treatments at intervals of 6-8 weeks are necessary in order to obtain the best results. Many thousands of treatments have been documented, and no health risks have been registered.

This method is especially effective in reducing fat in the following areas:

  • internal part of the upper thigh
  • external part of the upper thigh (saddlebags)
  • buttocks
  • thighs
  • belly
  • upper arm
  • double chin
  • sagging cheeks
  • superfluous fat (after liposuction)